Subject Verb Agreement Practice 8Th Grade

As an 8th grade student, you are likely familiar with the importance of subject-verb agreement in your writing. This crucial grammatical rule ensures that your sentences are clear and easy to understand, and it is a key component of effective communication.

Subject-verb agreement refers to the idea that the subject and the verb in a sentence must agree in number. In other words, if the subject is singular, the verb must be singular as well, and if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural too.

To practice subject-verb agreement in 8th grade, there are a few key strategies you can use:

1. Identify the subject and verb in each sentence. This is the first step in ensuring that they agree in number. Remember that the subject is the person, place, thing, or idea that the sentence is about, while the verb is the action or state of being the subject is performing.

2. Pay attention to tricky subjects. Some subjects can be tricky to identify, such as collective nouns (e.g. team, family) or compound subjects (e.g. cats and dogs). Make sure you identify these correctly and use the appropriate verb form.

3. Remember the rules for irregular verbs. Some verbs don`t follow the regular conjugation patterns, such as “to be” (am, is, are) or “to have” (has, have). Make sure you understand how these verbs work in order to use them correctly.

4. Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice subject-verb agreement, the more natural it will become. Try creating your own sentences and then checking them for correct subject-verb agreement.

Keeping these strategies in mind, here are a few subject-verb agreement practice exercises for 8th graders:

1. Identify the subject and verb in each sentence and check that they agree in number.

Example: The cat chases the mice.

Subject: cat

Verb: chases

2. Rewrite the sentence to correct any errors in subject-verb agreement.

Example: The dogs barks loudly.

Rewritten: The dogs bark loudly.

3. Complete the sentence with the correct verb form.

Example: The team ____ ready for the big game.

Correct verb form: is (because “team” is a collective noun and therefore considered singular)

By practicing subject-verb agreement in your writing, you will be able to communicate more effectively and clearly. With time and practice, this grammatical rule will become second nature to you and you`ll be able to write with confidence and skill.

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